Translating the Asian Games (翻译亚运会的挑战)

时间:2023-12-19         阅读:


主题:Translating the Asian Games (翻译亚运会的挑战)

主讲人:纽约城市大学 Andrew Lambert副教授

主持人:bat365官网登录入口外国语学院 杨雨红副教授

:12月21日 10:00-11:30


主办单位:外国语学院 国际交流与合作处 科研处


Andrew Lambert副教授,夏威夷大学哲学博士,美国比较哲学学会的创始人之一,任教于美国纽约城市大学哲学系。他师从世界著名中西比较哲学家安乐哲Roger T.Ames教授,致力于中西哲学的研究和教学17余年。他的主要论著有《中国哲学教学中的挑战和方法》《关怀伦理学和儒家思想》《从儒家视角看东西方的友情观念》《球迷的道德观》《现代中国哲学英译中的作者与读者》等等。他也作为学术翻译者,翻译了中国著名学者李泽厚的杰作《中国古代思想史论》。

Associate Professor Andrew Lambert , Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii, is one of the founders of the American Society for Comparative Philosophy (ASCP) and teaches in the Department of Philosophy at the City University of New York. He has been teaching in the Department of Philosophy at the City University of New York. He has studied under Prof. Roger T. Ames, a world-renowned comparative philosopher of Chinese and Western philosophy, and has devoted himself to the study and teaching of Chinese and Western philosophy for more than 17 years. His major publications include“The challenge of teaching Chinese philosophy: Thoughts on method.”,“Confucian Ethics and Care: An amicable split?”,“Friendship in the Confucian Tradition”,“The way of the football fan as the life of virtue.”,“Lost in Translation: The author versus the reader in contemporary Chinese philosophy translations”, and so on. He has also worked as a scholarly translator of renowned Chinese scholar Li Zehou's masterpiece, A History of Classical Chinese Thought .



The 2023 Asian Games was held in Hangzhou, and brought the attention of the world’s media to Zhejiang. Beyond the domestic consumption of the Games, how was the Games be perceived outside of China, particularly among English language audiences? Much depended upon translation and interpretation. This lecture will focus on the various ways in which the Asian Games was brought into the English-speaking realm. Three aspects of the challenges of translating the Asian Games into English will be considered. First, what sort of specific content or moments are typically the focus of translation efforts? Second, what values and ideas do or should guide those translations? Third, what are the practical difficulties and challenges of translating and interpreting in a highly dynamic and time-sensitive environment, such as that of a post-match media event? This talk will address a number of philosophical questions that shape such translation, highlight some practical difficulties of interpretation connected with sporting events, and provide an overview of the professional and employment opportunities arising from the task of translating major multi-sport events like the Asian Games and the Olympic Games.

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